co-grow family discipleship network

 Advisory Board

Christopher C. Hooton
Co-Grow Network director

Rev. William Omansiek
New Life Institute

Valerie Hess
Author of Habits of a Child's Heart and Renovaré presenter

Kim Butts
Author of The Praying Familiy and  Harvest Prayer Ministries Co-founder


About Us

Co-Grow Family Discipleship Network is here to help children enter the depths of Christ, and help parents cherish their children in order to find the depths of Christ in them, and grow in Christ for their sake.

Core Values 

We believe that God is personal and relational. We believe that God is pleased to reveal the depths and nature of God to us. 

We believe that children are not just the future of the church, they are the church.  As the body of Christ, children have every ability to experience the depths of Christ and the richness of life in the Kingdom of God. We believe that for children to realize their potential as disciples, they need their parents to support and journey along with them.

We believe that parents have a unique opportunity to find Christ in their children as they contemplate their person-hood and cherish them. We believe that parents need to hear and heed the call to fall head over heals in love with Christ for the sake of their children, and be examples of a healthy relationship of intimacy with God.

About Chris Hooton

Founder and Co-Grow Family Discipleship Network presenter, Chris Hooton is a long time student of the spiritual formation of children and families. He is an minister ordained with the Assemblies of God and has served as pastor to children and families including over eight years as a lead pastor.  His bachelor of arts studies were in Children's Ministry and his Master studies focused on Spiritual Formation. He has put these specializations to work in formulating methods and practices to help children experience the depths of Christ with the help of their families.  He wants to continue his studies in cultural anthropology, researching how spiritual formation happens intergenerationally across culture.

He has also had more than ten years experience with the specialty coffee industry, and loves a great cup of coffee.

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